The following Endo Journey post comes from Endo Star, please read on and wish my lovely friend well wishes for her upcoming surgery!

My periods started the week before my 11th
birthday. They weren’t painful or heavy to start with but they were irregular
and a bit of a nuisance, which I guess is pretty normal in the beginning. By
the time I was 12 they had got much, much worse and were heavy and painful. The
pain got so bad it was causing me to vomit and pass out, I was getting
migraines, and I was missing school because of it. I would spend my time curled
up on the bathroom floor waiting for the pain to pass. I went to my GP who
decided to put me on the contraceptive pill and give me mefenamic acid
(Ponstan). I also got tested for anaemia because the bleeding was so heavy, but
that came back negative.
The pill seemed to help with the heaviness, but I still had the pain. I thought
it was just one of those things and I was one of the unlucky ones. By the time
I was 13 we had moved to a different area and I had a new GP. I spoke to them
about it throughout my teens, and must have tried about 5 different variations
of the pill during that time. During my GCSEs it was really bad, and I remember
my GP saying to me it wasn’t normal to have this pain, and that he’d keep
trying to help make it better. Sadly he left not long after that so things
didn’t quite go to plan! I got stuck with a different GP and I think I just got
used to being in that much pain during my period, I sort of gave up on finding
anything that would make me better.
A few more years passed by, I started working full time and moved out of home.
I carried on taking the pill and using ibuprofen and paracetamol to help with
period pain, which I had just learned to put up with. When I was 21 the pain
went up another couple of notches and I was finding it hard to cope with it
again. I had to start taking codeine which only really took the edge off, but I
managed. My job meant I was on my feet for 8 hours+ every day, and looking back
I don’t know how I did it!
A couple of years later when I was 23 I had settled at yet another new doctor’s
surgery. By that point I’d started to develop new symptoms, I was feeling
nauseous most of the time and barely eating, getting stomach cramps and
constipation. This wasn’t normal for me so back I went to the GP. They did
blood tests and various other tests to rule out any gastrointestinal problems,
which all came back clear, so I was diagnosed with IBS. I was given tablets
including peppermint capsules to try which didn’t seem to help me at all. I was
fed up, didn’t believe I had IBS, and felt I’d been fobbed off. Yet again I
just put up with feeling rubbish!
I also started getting urinary infections (or UTIs). I say these were
infections, but rarely would a test actually show any infection, I just seemed
to have the symptoms of one. I was getting one or two of these per month for
about a year, which was pretty miserable as I’m sure you can imagine. I had
just got together with my partner after being single for a while, so it was
sort of put down to being ‘honeymoon cystitis‘. This problem was never
investigated and thankfully it stopped happening after about a year, although
some of the symptoms would crop up again in the future.
It wasn’t long before the symptoms got worse again. It seems like every time I
got used to a level of pain or some symptoms, another would appear and the pain
would get worse! I started getting rectal pain during and about 1 week after my
period. It’s hard to explain this pain, but it felt like there was pressure
deep inside, and sitting down was almost impossible. I knew this was NOT
normal. I asked the GP about this and was told it was common to have pain there
as the organs are so close together, and had I thought about getting pregnant?
I was only 24 at the time and hadn’t been with my partner all that long! I saw
another GP about it a couple of months later and they were even worse, they
told me it was probably constipation causing the pain and to eat more fibre. I
was made to feel like a time wasting hypochondriac. I can’t stress enough how
upsetting this all was. I knew what I was feeling wasn’t normal, but no one
would listen to me. What could I do?
This was around the time I first heard of endometriosis and it was only because
my mum mentioned it. I googled the symptoms and couldn’t believe how familiar
it all sounded. By this point I’d started having pain during sex as well but I
kept this to myself, I was embarrassed by it. I mentioned endometriosis to my
GP who more or less dismissed it, telling me the only way to diagnose it was by
having a laparoscopy which was an invasive procedure, and should be avoided.
We’d continue to treat me with the pill instead, but I would start taking 3
packs together without a break.
Another year or so passed and I was still
getting this pain, and the IBS symptoms were making me miserable. It didn’t
seem to matter what I ate, I would get bloated and/or feel sick. Yet another
trip to my GP beckoned. I managed to see a different one this time, and she
decided to refer me to the hospital to have an ultrasound scan. I needed to
have a full bladder for it, and I just happened to have cystitis at the time.
Nightmare! Every prod and poke was agony. They mentioned they couldn’t find my
left ovary, and they did an internal ultrasound for that reason but it was
still nowhere to be seen. ‘Probably your bowel getting in the way’, they said.
The internal ultrasound was probably one of the worst of all the tests I’ve had
done! The thing was massive, and they moved it around loads inside which felt
truly horrible. They didn’t seem too bothered about my missing ovary. Needless
to say, my GP told me the scan was clear and finally referred me to a
gynaecologist. While I was waiting for my appointment I had a smear test done.
I’d had internal examinations done before so I wasn’t too worried about it,
although I knew it would be painful for me. The nurse told me that she could
see a cyst at the opening of my cervix and I should tell my gynae about it at
my appointment.
I was so nervous about my first appointment with the consultant and didn’t know
what to expect, but I had high hopes that finally I was going to be listened to
and taken seriously. The consultant was blasé about my symptoms, and when I
asked about endometriosis he said it was unlikely I had it. He thought it was
probably just ‘one of those things’. I really felt like I was wasting his time
and that as a woman I just had to deal with this pain and other symptoms. He
did however agree to do a laparoscopy to find out for definite. I told him
about the cyst on my cervix and he asked me if I wanted him to check it! I
couldn’t believe his attitude. He told me it was quite large and would need to
be removed, so he would do it during my laparoscopy. My surgery was scheduled
for 3 months later, and I felt sick with nerves. I was torn about what outcome
I wanted, I knew that if it was endometriosis I’d be stuck with it for life,
but if it wasn’t I’d still be stuck with the pain as there would be no
explanation for it.
For various reasons my surgery was cancelled twice, both times I was literally
in the gown and stockings waiting to go to theatre. I was already extremely
emotional and on edge so by the 2nd cancellation I was gutted. By
now I was also struggling with anxiety due to the fact I permanently feel like
I need to go to the loo, both my bladder and bowel always feel full which is so
uncomfortable and makes me panic when there isn’t a toilet nearby.
Finally my surgery was going to go ahead (age 27 at this point). I was going to
get some answers! I had a bit of a wait as I wasn’t first on the list. It
wasn’t my first operation but I still felt a little nervous about the
anaesthetic, my heart was racing and I generally felt quite anxious. I had no
idea how much pain I was going to be when I woke up, or what they were going to
find in there. I walked myself to theatre and lay on the cold table; the
anaesthetist was lovely and made me laugh before asking me to relax and putting
the cannula in my hand. I’m OK with needles, which is quite handy as I must
have had hundreds of blood tests done over the years.
Next thing I knew, I was awake and having a bit of trouble breathing and
swallowing. I tried to feel my tummy to see how many incisions I had but
couldn’t move my arms properly yet. I could hear them talking about the pain
relief I’d been given, diclofenac and morphine. I was quite lucky that I
couldn’t really feel any pain at all. It wasn’t long until the nurses were
asking me to get up and dressed, then the consultant came in. It wasn’t one I’d
seen before, he was a locum. I was told they hadn’t found any signs of endo,
but that my uterus was very badly stuck to my pelvic wall. He also said my left
ureter was very high up, and that he thought there had been a developmental
problem with my uterus. None of this really made sense to me, not helped by the
fact I was still woozy from the anaesthetic! I sat there on my own thinking
“I’m a freak! I’ve got an oddly shaped womb! I’m not going to be able to have
children!” and then came the tears again.
I was so disappointed. I didn’t understand what had been found, and I didn’t
have the answers I’d been longing for, for so long. I was booked in for an MRI
scan 6 weeks later, which was another one of the worst experiences of my life.
I was in the scanner for 45 minutes, being told when to breathe and when not to
breathe, and listening to awful chart music in one ear as only one earphone was
working. A couple of weeks later I went back to the consultant to get my
results, and finally he confirmed I have endometriosis. He said it was ‘very
bad’ and that my ureter was stuck to something due to endo, and my bowel was
involved. I would need open surgery but he had to discuss my case with a
urologist first. More waiting! I went back a month or so later to be told there
was no point operating as I’d probably still have pain afterwards. That was the
urologist’s opinion which I thought was odd, surely the gynae should be
deciding these things?! I asked if there was anything that could be done, and
he said to keep taking painkillers, get pregnant (that old chestnut!) and that
I could get a second opinion if I wanted to.
I was angry, upset, confused, disappointed, and felt completely hopeless. My
family and boyfriend were furious and wanted me to make a complaint about the
way I’d been treated. I decided to get a second opinion from a specialist
endometriosis centre in London; I knew it’d be a long wait so I paid to have a
private consultation with one of the gynaes who work there. I have to say it’s
the best money I’ve ever spent! He was absolutely fantastic, and has given me
so much hope. My appointment lasted 30 minutes, he examined me, although
beforehand he acknowledged that he knew it would be extremely painful which was
a first for me. It was amazing that someone finally ‘gets’ it! To my horror he
said he could actually see endometriosis – I didn’t even know that was
possible. He explained that I have severe deep infiltrating (stage 4)
endometriosis, involving the ureter, left uterosacral ligament and rectosigmoid
colon, and that my left ovary is very stuck to my pelvic wall. I’m now waiting
for surgery and to hopefully start getting a somewhat normal life back.