I went to my new specialist and got a bad report. It was confirmed that I do have IC and PFD. I was also told that I will have to have another laparoscopy very soon because my gynecologist didn't document the procedure well and didn't send off for a tissue sample of the lesions that he removed. Because of this, I will have to have another laparo very soon to confirm whether or not I do in fact have endometriosis.
Like the picture shows, I feel like a train wreck. I honestly cannot put into words the way I am feeling right now, so I am signing off - Love you all!
xo Heather
That's not good! I guess at least you're in good hands now. My new specialist has told me that I might have to have another surgery soon (my first one was in March this year), because they didn't get all the endo in the first one but I'm trying to find hope in the fact that my new specialist seems to know what he's doing a bit more than my old one...
ReplyDeleteGood luck! xo
I am so sorry. It is reassuring that you have found a good specialist! Keep me posted on everything!!! :)