Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Endo Happy: Are You an Endo Warrior?

Image Courtesy of Katie with Endo Happy

 An Endo Sister's Guide to Living with Endometriosis

  • An "EndoWarrior" eats healthily, says no to junk food and educates herself about the "EndoDiet" and incorporates it into her daily life knowing that it may help with her symptoms and long term care.
  • Empowers herself by finding out as much as she can about Endometriosis and knows she deserves and is entitled to the best medical care available to her. She doesn't accept no for an answer from any medic and gets a 2nd/3rd opinion if required.
  • Knows that there is no 'normal' everybody is on their own journey and doesn't compare her life to anybody else's.
  • Is proud of every scar on her body, she knows they represent the battles she had fought and won.
  • Takes time to rest and relax. She accepts that Endometriosis is disabling at times so doesn't try to do everything, instead spends her valuable time doing the things she enjoys and says no to the things she doesn't or that give her stress.
  • Takes time to exercise (if possible) at least once per week as she knows it makes your mind and body stronger.
  • Promotes awareness of Endometriosis by telling friends, family and others about it.
  • Continues to work towards the goals she has in life, she knows that it doesn't matter how long it takes to get to them just that they are achieved.
  • She acknowledges that depression is common among chronic illness sufferers and talks about her feelings, and asks for help when required and knows it is okay to be emotional and cry!
  • Lastly, she knows that she is perfectly 'imperfect' and feels proud of everything she has achieved! She accepts herself as she is and knows she is worthy of love, kindness and respect.

For more words of encouragement on surviving a life with Endometriosis, please follow Katie on Twitter!

xo Heather


  1. So True, us Endosisters stick together xx

  2. Brought tears to my eyes ... Very true

  3. Thank you for writing this - needed to hear a few of those today. G x

  4. Thank you for writing this - needed to hear a few of those today. G x


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